This Morning’s Anthem

This morning’s anthem is a setting of words by Mary Anna Baker (1832-1925).  She was commissioned in 1874 to write a series of hymn texts to illustrate Sunday School lessons, this one relating to the Gospel account of Christ stilling the tempest. The tune is named PEACE, BE STILL and was written by Horatio Palmer (1834-1907).  Following the 1881 assassination of US President James Garfield, this hymn was used extensively in the many memorial services held across the US and has since been published in more than 250 hymnals. 

Luminous: A Night of Light and Wonder at St Paul’s Cathedral

Wednesday, 26th February, 6.30 – 10pm

Experience St Paul’s in a whole new light!  Prepare to be amazed as the Cathedral unveils ‘Luminous’, an extraordinary new sound and light show by the award-winning artistic duo, Luxmularis.  Step inside an iconic London landmark and witness a breathtaking fusion of art, sound, and architecture that draws inspiration from St Paul’s rich history and heritage.  This immersive show will captivate audiences of all ages, offering a truly unforgettable evening!

Alex is taking a group to see this spectacular show on Wednesday, 26th February.  Tickets are £17.50 and are selling out fast!  Please contact Alex for further information on how to purchase a ticket.  All proceeds from ticket sales will go directly to supporting the preservation of the Cathedral’s history and heritage.

Upcoming Carol Services

Carol service for Lent

Sunday 16th March, 6pm

This seasonal service of music and readings explores the themes of Lent.  Entitled From Dust towards Glory, this year’s service looks to assist us on our Lenten journeys with readings and music by Stephen Schwarz, Stephen Sondheim, Peter Stetsenko, G F Handel and Gustav Holst.  The service will be followed by a reception with hot cross buns.

Passion Carols

Sunday 13th April, 6pm

Something new this year is a carol service for Holy Week!  A special service on Palm Sunday evening where we recall the events leading up to Easter: the Last Supper, the betrayal of Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus’ trial and crucifixion.  This will replace our Stations of the Cross service.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday falls this year on 5th March.  As usual there will be a said lunchtime service at 12.00 noon and a sung Eucharist at 6.00pm., featuring Palestrina’s Missa Brevis and Allegri’s Miserere.  If you still have your palm crosses from last year, bring them in and we will burn them to make this year’s ash.

Electoral Roll

The parish electoral roll is an indication of the life and vitality of St John’s.  Inclusion on it is a part of your commitment to the church, entitles you to attend our annual meetings, to be married here and assists in enrolling your children into a Church of England school.  Every six years we are required to dissolve the current roll and to compile a brand new one.  As we last did this in 2019 we are required to compile a new roll this year and will be taking applications for entry onto the new roll until 18th March.  The roll will then be closed until after the annual meeting on 6th April.  Application forms are available in the porch.  Once completed, please return them to Bryan Sollenberger or send to the parish office.

Betty’s Big Birthday

This year marks the 160th birthday of our marvellous Hill & Sons organ, “Betty”, and ten years since her trip to rehab for full restoration.  We will be marking this milestone with a series of concerts and events through the course of 2025, including a series of free Prom Concerts entitled Betty&Friends, featuring various soloists and ensembles who will collaborate with Betty. The year will culminate in a party/celebrity organ recital (Betty’s Birthday Bash!) on Saturday 22nd November, given by Professor Dr Ian Tracey, one of the world’s finest recitalists and Titular Organist of Liverpool Cathedral. 2025 also happens to be Play the Organ Year, an outreach initiative led by the Royal College of Organists to raise the profile of the King of Instruments and encourage people to engage and have a go, so each recital will be followed by an opportunity for anyone interested to come to the organ, ask questions and try playing Betty, supported by our music team.

Concerts and Events in 2025 so far (more to follow!):

Betty&Friends 2: Sunday 9th March, 11.30am- 12.10pm

Ted Day, baritone & Jorn Quirijnen, pianist

Free Entry

Betty’s Birthday Bash! Saturday 22nd November, 5pm

Celebrity Recital: Professor Dr Ian Tracey, organist

Ticketed Entry: details to follow

Bible Book Club

Bible Book Club is held at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month.  As the first Wednesday of March is Ash Wednesday, Bible Book Club will not meet in March.  The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 2nd April.

Safeguarding and Photography at St John’s

Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is a priority at St John’s.  A copy of the PCC’s Safeguarding Policy is available in the porch and on the parish website.  Photographs of the church may be taken outside of services but please do not take any pictures during the service.  When photographing the church, should you happen to capture people in your photographs, please delete them.  Safeguarding concerns can be raised in the first instance with the church’s Safeguarding Officer, Mary Langford.


Refugee Drop-in Volunteers

Since May St John’s has been hosting a monthly Sunday drop-in centre for refugees run by the West London Synagogue.  This provides families with a hot meal, a shopping voucher and a contribution towards their transport, as well as signposting for other practical help.  The drop-in centre takes place on the third Sunday of the month and they are always open to volunteers to assist them.  If you would like to join the volunteer crew, please speak to the Vicar.  The next drop-in centre is 23rd March at 12.30pm.

Book Club

Book Club met recently and selected their next book: The Road Home, a 2007 wise and witty look at the migrant experience. They will meet to discuss this book on 10th March 2025.  For more information, please speak to Irwin Nazareth.