St John’s Choir

Our thanks to Nick Miller, Ben Collyer, our volunteer choir members, our choral scholars and visiting musicians for providing us with such excellent music throughout Holy Week and Easter.  Nick and the choir deserve a well earned rest and are away this morning.  During the choir’s break, we shall use our folk tunes mass setting.  The choir return next Sunday, 14th April.

A Big Thank You

Thank you to those that have helped to make the church look so festive at Easter through donations to the Easter flowers and helping to clean and prepare the church for our Easter services.  We are very grateful for all your support.

Special thanks to Sam Tear and Leo Malkin who nourished us with some amazing bacon butties and porridge after the 6am service.

Services This Coming Week

There is no 8am service this morning but there will be one next Sunday, 23rd April.  Our mid-week services at 5.30pm resume from tomorrow.

Safeguarding at St John’s

Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is a priority at St John’s.  The Parochial Church Council (PCC) carries out an annual review of the parish’s Safeguarding Policy and the current policy is available in the porch and on the parish website.  Safeguarding concerns can be raised in the first instance with the church’s Safeguarding Officer, Mary Langford.


Giggles and Gossip

Thursdays, 9.30-11am

Giggles & Gossip, a playgroup for parents with babies and toddlers, meets on Thursday mornings and will continue to meet during the school holidays.