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Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

Anthems from Harvest to Advent

In our musical programme between Harvest and Advent, we mark the centenary of the 1914 Armistice with a series of anthems which explore various composers’ Requiems and specifically movements which use text from outside the traditional Requiem Mass.

Karl Jenkins' (b 1944) Requiem was premiered at Southwark Cathedral in 2005.  The traditional movements of the Requiem Mass are interspersed with Japanese death poems in the form of haikus.  The twelfth movement, "Farewell", is one of these haiku settings, layered with the Latin words of the Agnus Dei.

まめでゐよ Mamede iyo Farewell,

身はならわしの Miwa narawashino I pass, as all things do,

草の露 Kusa no tsuyu. like dew on the grass.

Jenny Clark Memorial Concert 2018

This year’s Jenny Clark Concert takes place this morning immediately following the 10am service.  We are privileged to have our resident leader of the St John’s orchestra, Jonathan Hill, playing his violin and accompanied by our very own Nick Miller.  The programme will include Oliver Davis’s violin concerto Lost featuring the first movement ‘Lost Lake’ that he recorded for Signum Records with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, which got to number 4 in the classical singles chart.  There will be time after the service to get a glass of champagne before the start of the concert, which will last 35-40 minutes   All are welcome.

All Souls

On Tuesday, 6th November, we mark this special festival with a service at 8pm at which we remember those who are part of the church community but who have died.  This year the choir are singing Mozart’s Requiem.  During this service we remember those dear to us who have died - a list is available in the porch for you to add the names of those you would like to be remembered.  As part of the liturgy, there will be opportunity for you to light a candle and place it on the altar in remembrance of your loved ones.

Bible Book Club

Bible Book Club now meets on the first Wednesday of the month.   Each month they meet to read and to discuss the gospel reading for the coming Sunday.  Meetings conclude with Compline.  The next meeting is on 7th November.  For further information, speak to Dan Warnke.

Remembrance Sunday

11th November 2018

This year marks the centenary of the armistice ending the fighting of World War I.  We will remember those who have given their lives for their country at 10am with an Act of Remembrance during the 10am service.

Ceremony of Remembrance

At 6pm we will have a community act of remembrance both to mark the armistice centenary and to honour those from our parish and beyond who gave their lives for the sake of our freedom.  The service features music by Britten, Fauré, Gooddall, Holst, Howells and Rutter, readings and a screening of a specially commissioned film.

Silent Film

At 8pm on Friday, 16th November, our series of silent film screenings continues with Robert Wiene's horror classic The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.  Directed by Robert Wiene and starring Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt, it has been called "the first true horror film" and "cinema's first cult film".

The story tells of an insane hypnotist who uses a somnambulist (sleep-walker) to commit murders and sets a script written by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer - two pacifists left distrustful of authority after their military experiences during World War One - which deals with themes of brutal and irrational authority, the contrast between insanity and sanity, and the duality of human nature. 

Featuring live, improvised organ accompaniment by Nick Miller.  Tickets £8 in advance online or from the Parish Office, or £10 on the door.

St John’s Late

St John’s Late returns for the autumn.

18th November, 8pm

Compline by Candlelight

Night prayer with choir and flute, preceded by a soup & cheese supper at 7pm.  A sung service stunning in its simplicity.  The anthem is O Salutaris Hostis by Caplet.

25th November, 6,30pm

Jazz Mass

A celebration of the Feast of Christ the King with choir and double bass in the setting of a jazz club.  The setting is Todd’s Jazz Missa Brevis and the anthem is Hogan’s arrangement of Ride on, King Jesus.

The Wednesday Club

21st November, 7.30pm

This is a new group meeting on the third Wednesday of the month in a local pub to discuss everyday ethics and how the things we think and do relate to our understanding of God and faith.  This promises to be a lively and generous discussion, so do come and join us!  To sign up or for further information, speak to Dan.

Sponsor a Buttress

Goal: £50,000

Raised so far: £24,134

Last year we undertook some very essential repairs to the roof, gutters and parapets.  If you look up on the north or south sides of the church, you’ll notice the beautiful new stonework.  To fund the works, however, we had to borrow £200,000 from the Diocese of London and we are looking to raise £50,000 to pay this year’s commitment plus interest.

The ‘Sponsor a Buttress’ campaign is to raise funds to cover this year’s commitment.  There are 40 buttresses consisting of three stones each.  A stone costs £416, a buttress £1,250 (£333 and £1,000 respectively if Gift Aided).  To sponsor a stone or buttress or for more information about Gift Aid, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.

St John’s Book Club

St John’s Book Club was unable to meet last month so will now meet on Monday, 29th October.  You have a few extra weeks to read Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth.  For further information on the book group, please speak to Michael King.

More Bru’s News

Not only does Brutus Green have a new baby, he has a new parish: St Margaret’s, Putney.  He will be installed as priest-in-charge on Tuesday, 20th November, at 7.30pm by The Right Reverend Dr Richard Cheetham, Bishop of Kingston.  St Margaret’s is in Putney Park Lane, SW15 5HU.

St John’s Big Gay Night Out

Friday 7th December - Mother Goose Cracks One Out!

This year’s pantomime follows years of sell out performances at Above the Stag theatre.  You’ve not really been to a panto until you’ve been to Above the Stag.

Tickets are £25. Meal before the show at Pico bar and grill (next door to the theatre) – pay as you go.  For tickets, please contact Ian Smith ( or leave your payment, together with your name, email address and phone number at the church office.

Mid-week Services

St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday!  There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.  This week there is no service on Monday but there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.


Children’s Community Choir

Thursdays, 4.10pm, St John’s Church

The Children’s Community Choir rehearses on Thursday afternoons.  The choir is open for children 6 years old and above.  Sessions are 30 minutes long and children will sing different genres of music.  If you are interested in bringing your children along please let Robert know. 

School Gate Gossip

This past week has been half term – so a quiet week at St James and St John.  It will be all go next week when everyone comes back from their half term hijinks.

Under Five’s Playgroups

A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings from10-11.30am.  Suggested donation: £2.