Hearing the Service
St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.
St John’s Choir
Our thanks to Robert Greenhill, Nick Miller, our choral scholars, volunteer choir members and visiting musicians for providing us with such excellent music over Holy Week and Easter. Robert, Nick and the choir deserve a well earned rest and are away today. During the choir’s break, we shall use our folk tunes mass setting. The choir will return on Sunday, 15th April.
Big Thank You’s
A big thank you to Simone Malavolta and Andrew Loft, who organised and prepared our breakfast after celebrating the dawn of Easter morning at 5am last Sunday. Thank you also to all who helped with the children’s activities on Good Friday.
A final but equally big thank you to all who contributed to our Easter flowers so that we can have the church suitable decorated for our celebrations and to all who turned up on Saturday morning to prepare the church.
Community Charity Concert
Thursday, 19th April, 7.30pm
The choral scholars of St John’s, Hyde Park will be joined by the singers from the Duke of Kendal and the Swedish church choir for this annual community extravaganza. Tickets will be available after Easter - £10 per adult, £5 concession. More information to come but Bernstein and theatre fans will be excited that selection of songs from West Side Story will feature.
The Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Ian Adams, is delighted to attend the concert and to endorse the work undertaken by Opening Doors London in providing befriending and support to older LGBT+ residents in Westminster and elsewhere. He encourages you to come along for a fun-filled evening of musical entertainment - with plenty of audience participation guaranteed!
On Sunday, 22nd April, the acting Bishop of London will be presiding at a service of Confirmation. Courses preparing children and adults for Confirmation are now running. If you would like to be confirmed or if you would like to explore the possibility of being confirmed, please talk with one of the clergy. Do come along on the day and support those who are being confirmed.
St John’s Book Club
St John’s Book Club next meets on Monday, 23rd April, when they will be discussing The Bell by Iris Murdoch. See Michael King for further information.
Whitsun Carols, 20th May 2018
A unique musical service at 6pm concluding our annual cycle of carol services which tell the events of the Christian year. At Whitsun Carols we commemorate the events from Easter to Pentecost, with readings and musical selections from the choir and guest musicians. A reception with the first of the summer Pimms will follow.
Children’s Community Choir
Thursdays, 4.10pm
The Children’s Community Choir is open for children 6 years old and above, sessions will be 30 minutes long and children will sing different genres of music. If you are interested in bringing your children along please let Robert know. The choir will next meet on 19th April.
Last week I marked the centenary anniversary of the RAF at a service at St Clement Danes. Chris and I attended a special service at Westminster Abbey to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, as well as a London Handel Festival concert and book launch at the Brazilian Ambassador’s Residence in Mayfair. On 8th April I hope to complete a walk from Whittington Hospital to Mansion House with other London mayors - an annual event in aid of charity. Plus we look forward to attending the annual Olivier Awards at the Royal Albert Hall. Later this coming week, I will attend a meeting of the Westminster LGBT Forum and will preside at a Citizenship Ceremony at Old Marylebone Town Hall.
St James & St John School Gate Gossip
St James’s and St Michael’s is our local Church of England school. At the heart of our school is a clear commitment to nurturing and helping children to reach their full potential in a traditional atmosphere of Christian education. We aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and friendly environment underpinned by trust and partnership with parents. Our children are now enjoying their Easter Break and will kick-off the Summer term on April 16th.
Under Five’s Playgroups
An international playgroup aimed at Russian speakers meets in St John’s on Wednesdays at 10am. Other playgroups meet on Wednesdays at 3.45pm and Thursdays at 10am. Suggested donation for all groups: £2. Information about the playgroups can be found at www.HPPplaygroup.weebly.com and www.HPPrussian.weebly.com for the Russian speaking playgroup.