Hearing the Service
St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.
Bible Book Club
Bible book club meets once a month to read and to discuss the gospel reading for the coming Sunday and concludes with Compline. Meetings take place on the first Wednesday of the month – the next meeting is on 5th June. For further information, speak to one of the clergy.
Prom Concert
This morning immediately after the conclusion of the service we have a very special treat – a prom concert by Jonathan Hill on violin accompanied by Nick Miller on keyboards. They will be performing a short programme of works for violin and organ/piano, by Albinoni, Williams, Rubery and Vitali. There will be time to get a drink – tea, coffee or a gin & tonic – and you can then grab a good seat for this very special concert. It will last 30-35 minutes so you’ll still have time to get home for your Sunday roast.
Sung Eucharist for Ascension, 30th May, 8pm
The Ascension, coming 40 days after Christ’s resurrection, is the culmination of Easter, the season in which we celebrate the stories of the risen Christ. This year Ascension falls on the 30th May and we will celebrate it with a choral eucharist at 8pm. The choir will sing Carter’s Missa Sancti Pauli and the anthem will be Ascending into Heaven by J Weir.
Whitsun Carols, 9th June 2019
A unique musical service at 6pm concluding our annual cycle of carol services which tell the events of the Christian year. At Whitsun Carols we commemorate the events from Easter to Pentecost, with readings and musical selections from the choir and guest musicians. A seasonal reception of Pimms and cucumber sandwiches will follow.
Priesting of Dan Warnke
Sunday, 30th June, 4pm
This will be a very special day for Dan as he is priested at St Mary’s, Stoke Newington. Do come along and support him. He will celebrate Holy Communion for the first time the following Sunday, 7th July, and we will have our summer barbecue after the service in the Raynham Gardens by kind permission of the residents.
Mid-week Services
St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday! There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday. Monday’s service is a eucharist and there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.
Weekly Offering Envelopes
New sets of the coloured weekly offering envelopes are now available. These are a good way to give if you prefer to use cash and donations made in this way qualify for Gift Aid. See Bryan Sollenberger if you would like a set.
Marking a special birthday? Celebrating an anniversary? Wanting to remember that special person? St John’s can help! To honour a loved one or to commemorate a special event, you can sponsor some music or flowers, have fizz & refreshments after the service - there are lots of possibilities. If you would like to observe a special occasion or honour someone special, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.
Culture Vultures
Tuesday 21st May 7.00pm at the Vicarage.
Meet the Author Evening in aid of St John ‘s high roof works appeal: St John's is very fortunate that parishioner William Shawcross, recently retired chair of the Charities Commission, broadcaster (for BBC television he wrote and presented in 1995 the series Monarchy and in 2002, to tie-in with the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, the series Queen and Country), author and historian has agreed to be the guest of honour at a Meet the Author Evening. All profits from this occasion will go towards the St John’s High Roof Works Appeal. The evening begins with a fizz and canapés reception from 7pm, followed at 7.30pm by the author’s talk on his 2009 book ‘The Queen Mother: The Official Biography’ and a question and answer session. Bring your copy if you would like the author to sign it! A two course buffet supper with wine will then be served, with an opportunity to speak to William (and ask all those questions which you were too shy to ask earlier!). All this for £48, numbers are limited, with payment to Margaret please, cheques preferred.
School Gate Gossip
Our Year 4 students have begun their rehearsals for their role in a performance of The Wizard Of Oz. They will be forming part of the chorus which will perform at St. John’s Church on Wednesday 3rd July. Reception had a wonderful and interesting beginning to their week when they investigated different types of sea-life. Next week sees the beginning of this year’s Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 testing period. We wish all of our Year 2 and Year 6 students the best as they get the opportunity to demonstrate how hard they have worked this year. Another reminder that the annual PFA Quiz Night will take place on Thursday 23rd of May! Keep your eyes out for further information from the PFA regarding ticket sales and team registration. Remember that our school May Day Dance will take place on the last afternoon of the last day of this half term – May 24th.
Stay and Play
A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings from10-11.30am. Come and stay for a play, a sing-song and to share stories over a cup of coffee. All children and babies are welcome (newborn to 5 years). Suggested donation: £2.