Hearing the Service
St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.
Music from the Margins
“There is a tension between the centre and the periphery… We must get out of ourselves and go toward the periphery.” Pope Francis (2013)
This term our series is inspired by musical theatre with a focus on those often left at margins of society. Whether it’s the colour of their skin, their sexuality or their gender, our music takes into account the prophetic voice of those who challenge our culture’s dominant assumptions. We will hear from those at the margin to chart an alternative course towards the kind of human dignity and care of our neighbours that helps us all to flourish.
The Poor
This week our anthem will be ‘You Will Be Found’ from the musical Dear Evan Hanson, which takes to the West End in January next year. Confronting the struggles, and desperation of feeling abandoned, forgotten or alone, the song reminds us that when people care, you’re never alone. There will be someone who will find you and help you through dark times. Within this we remember the last, the lost, and the least in our society, and how our lives are found in theirs when we reach out in love.
LGBT Racism
Equality Slavery
The Poor Civil Rights
The Wednesday Club
19th June 2019, 7.30pm
This is a new group typically meeting on the third Wednesday of the month in a local pub to discuss everyday ethics and how the things we think and do relate to our understanding of God and faith. This promises to be a lively and generous discussion, so do come and join us! To sign up or for further information, speak to Dan.
Priesting of Dan Warnke
Sunday, 30th June, 4pm
This will be a very special day for Dan as he is priested at St Mary’s, Stoke Newington, Stoke Newington Church Street, N16 9ES. Do come along and support him. He will celebrate Holy Communion for the first time the following Sunday, 7th July, at the 10am service and we will have our summer barbecue after the service in the Raynham Gardens by kind permission of the residents. A map with directions is available in the porch.
St John’s Summer Barbecue
Sunday, 7th July
Our annual barbecue this year is on 7th July following the 10am service and is part of our celebration of Dan Warnke’s first Eucharist. Once again the residents of Raynham and Oxford and Cambridge Squares have kindly opened up their gardens to us. St John’s provides the meat and dessert, you provide a salad. Suggested donations of £5/person, £2/child. Please sign up in the porch, indicating how many will be in your party and what salad you will be bringing.
Diocese of London Appeal
Modern Day Slavery
In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, in a capital city heralded for its history and culture, modern slavery is thriving. Hundreds of people are trapped by domestic servitude, forced labour or sexual exploitation, all in plain sight of Londoners. Many more are at risk of falling through the cracks, hidden from the view of the authorities, charities and the church. Behind those statistics there are real people. This year’s Appeal will build on the work of the Clewer Initiative, part of the national church’s approach to eradicating modern day slavery, which was launched by Archbishop Justin in October 2017.
The Vicar and Churchwardens felt it appropriate to support this appeal. For 4 Sundays through 16 June there will be opportunity to contribute via a bucket collection after the service. Please give as generously as you can.
St John’s Book Club
St John’s Book Club met recently and selected its next two books: The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes and Rabbit Run by John Updike. They will meet on 1st July to discuss The Noise of Time. For further information, please speak to Michael King.
Mid-week Services
St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday! There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday. Monday’s service is a eucharist and there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.
Volunteer with a Cheer!
One of the great strengths of St John’s is the involvement of so many volunteers. Nowhere is this truer than at our Sunday services. We are profoundly grateful to everyone who takes part on the various rotas and in other ways as needed but we are always on the lookout for others who would like to be involved. If you would be willing to read a lesson, lead our prayers, carry the cross & candles, prepare and serve tea & coffee or help out in other ways, Dan and Andre would love to speak with you.
Marking a special birthday? Celebrating an anniversary? Wanting to remember that special person? St John’s can help! To honour a loved one or to commemorate a special event, you can sponsor some music or flowers, have fizz & refreshments after the service - there are lots of possibilities. If you would like to observe a special occasion or honour someone special, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.
Culture Vulture Ventures
Culture Vultures Venture to the Royal College of Music Monday 24th June
We have the opportunity to support our Choral Scholars by attending the 1.00pm Dress Rehearsal of Berkeley’s ‘A Dinner Engagement’ and Bernstein’s ‘Trouble in Tahiti’ at the Royal College of Music on Monday, 24th June. Both operas are set in the 1950’s. In the first half is Berkeley’s delightful comedy of manners, ‘A Dinner Engagement’. After the interval, Bernstein offers a glimpse behind the veneer of the American Dream, lifting the curtain to reveal the reality of domestic life in ‘Trouble in Tahiti’. Mezzo soprano Holly-Marie Bingham sings and dances(!) in the lead role of frustrated housewife Dinah. Think ‘West Side Story’ – catchy melodies and an engaging plot. We meet from 12.15 at the Royal Albert Hall’s ground floor Café Bar, entered via Door 12, where light lunches, eg soup, salads, sandwiches, are available, before strolling over to the College. The Dress Rehearsal is free of charge but your name needs to be on a list for admittance. Please contact the Parish Office or let Lesley Gray know if you intend to come.
Fernando Montano Gala in aid of the Marine Conservation Society
18th July, 7.30pm
Our very own Fernando, soloist with the Royal Ballet Company, is staging a night of dance, opera and classical music at the Royal Academy of Music, NW1 5HT. This is part of his 'Dance for the Sea' project to help raise awareness of the problems caused by plastic in the ocean and is in aid of the Marine Conservation Society. Hosted by Sian Lloyd, guests include the Lithuanian mezzo-soprano Justina Gringyte, soon to play the title role in the ENO's production of Carmen at the London Coliseum. A limited number of VIP tickets are also available for the interval and post-show VIP drinks receptions at an additional cost, when Fernando and the cast will be present and ten unique underwater photos of Fernando and plastic by Robin Conway will be on display. Members of our congregation donated plastic and worked in the Parish Hall to create the backdrops and plastic art installations used! Prices to be announced shortly. To register your interest, speak to Lesley Gray or contact the Parish Office, 020 7262 1732, parishadmin@stjohns-hydepark.com.
Walk and Dine: Tuesday 23rd July 5.30pm
Blue Badge Guide Alison will take us on a private walk of 1 and 3/4 hours around the St James SW1 quarter, revealing the area’s hidden history, tucked away passages and royal connections, as well as showing us the requisite facilities needed for this to became a fashionable residential location in 17th and 18th century London. Friends and family are welcome to come on the walk. £10 per person.
Afterwards Andy Beverley has very kindly booked a limited number of supper places for us in the dining room at the Army and Navy Club, 36-39 Pall Mall, SW1Y 5JN, therag.co.uk. 2 courses (mains and dessert) inc. VAT and Service, drinks extra. The Club was founded in 1837 for former and serving Officers of the British and Commonwealth Armed Services and their immediate families. Supper places are limited, so first come first served! Walk only: £10, walk and supper £33. Meet outside Green Park tube station by the Diana Fountain (located within Green Park, at the tube station entrance/exit) at 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start. Payment to Margaret please - as always cheques preferred.
An Evening with William Shawcross
Tuesday 17th September 7.00pm at the Vicarage
Meet the Author Evening in aid of St John ‘s high roof works appeal: St John's is very fortunate that parishioner William Shawcross, recently retired chair of the Charities Commission, broadcaster (for BBC television he wrote and presented in 1995 the series Monarchy and in 2002, to tie-in with the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, the series Queen and Country), author and historian has agreed to be the guest of honour at a Meet the Author Evening. All profits from this occasion will go towards the St John’s High Roof Works Appeal. The evening begins with a fizz and canapés reception from 7pm, followed at 7.30pm by the author’s talk on his 2009 book ‘The Queen Mother: The Official Biography’ and a question and answer session. Bring your copy if you would like the author to sign it! A two-course buffet supper with wine will then be served, with an opportunity to speak to William (and ask all those questions which you were too shy to ask earlier!). All this for £48, numbers are limited, with payment to Margaret please, cheques preferred.
Children’s Community Choir
Thursdays, 4.10pm
The Children’s Community Choir is open for children 6 years old and above, sessions will be 30 minutes long and children will sing different genres of music. If you are interested in bringing your children along please let Robert know.
School Gate Gossip
Last week has seen the first Science Week alongside our current Cornerstones l curriculum. Offering opportunities to investigate and look at scientific concepts in a variety of contexts, all students from Nursery to Year 6 have been involved in activities that have embraced the skills to work scientifically. Year 1-6 got to participate in drama- based science workshops that focused on topics such as: plants and insects in gardens; recycling, reducing, reusing and refusing; parts of the human body; properties of materials; and, light and sound. Reception attended a Summer Watch activity at Holland Park whilst Year 2 got to visit Kew Gardens as a part of their Enchanted Woodland topic; Year 5 followed up their visit to Hyde Park as they looked at different types of plants and how they play a part in the way allotments function. A trip to the science museum was undertaken by the students in Year 4 as they continued their investigation into the way the body works. A House science quiz also took place during the week, with all students given the chance to show their scientific knowledge across all areas of the science curriculum. Students from Years 5 and 6 participated in a Quad Athletics competition during the week and got to participate in a variety of athletic events both on the track and in the field. Students from Years 5 and 6 will be attending the Spirit of Cricket event at Lord’s Crickets Ground on Monday. We hope they have an exciting day as they continue their training and learning about cricket as part of our P.E. curriculum. Thank you to the PFA who organised the Annual Cake Sale on Friday. What an impressive sight to see all the cakes lined up when doors opened, and even more impressive that every single piece got sold. Fantastic fundraiser!
Stay and Play
A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings from 10-11.30am. Come and stay for a play, a sing-song and to share stories over a cup of coffee. All children and babies are welcome (newborn to 5 years). Suggested donation: £2.