
Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

Farewell to the choir

This morning marks the end of our choral year and we say a fond farewell to this year’s scholars.  We are enormously indebted to our current choral scholars – Catriona Hewitson, Helen May, Holly-Marie Bingham, Laura Hocking, Robert Forrest, Laurence Kilsby, Tim Edlin and Harry Thatcher.  We thank them for their dedication and hard work.  They have contributed hugely and enthusiastically to our music this year and have truly inspired us in the way in which they have led our worship.  Our thanks also to Robert and Nicky for their leadership of the music department and the wonderfully diverse repertoire of music with which they have provided us.  Robert and Nicky will both be taking time off during August.  We wish our choral scholars well as they pursue their respective careers.

Music from the Margins

“There is a tension between the centre and the periphery… We must get out of ourselves and go toward the periphery.”  Pope Francis (2013)

This term our series is inspired by musical theatre with a focus on those often left at margins of society.  Whether it’s the colour of their skin, their sexuality or their gender, our music takes into account the prophetic voice of those who challenge our culture’s dominant assumptions.  We will hear from those at the margin to chart an alternative course towards the kind of human dignity and care of our neighbours that helps us all to flourish.

Civil Rights

This week our anthem will be ‘Home’ from the musical The Wiz, a black, urban-version of The Wizard of Oz which speaks to the injustice of African-American communities throughout the 20th Century.  Reflecting on slavery and civil rights, ’Home’ is the finale of the musical and points towards a place liberated from oppression and one that reflects a true identity not imposed or defined by the dominant mainstream culture.

Happy Birthday, Bryan

We are all celebrating with Bryan being sweet 16 for the third & three quarter times!  Yes, I know you can’t believe it, but dashing skinny Bryan has reached the big 6-0; but as we all know, 60 is the new 40 - which means you can afford to do all the things you’ve been wanting to do for the past 40 years with the benefit of plenty of experience.  We wish him happy birthday with a glass of fizz after the service.

The Wednesday Club

24th July 2019, 7.30pm

This group meets on the fourth Wednesday this month (normally the third Wednesday) in The Duke of Kendal pub to discuss everyday ethics and how the things we think and do relate to our understanding of God and faith.  This promises to be a lively and generous discussion, so do come and join us!  To sign up or for further information, speak to Dan.

Mid-week Services

St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday!  There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.  Monday’s service is a eucharist and there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.

Volunteer with a Cheer!

One of the great strengths of St John’s is the involvement of so many volunteers.  Nowhere is this truer than at our Sunday services.  We are profoundly grateful to everyone who takes part on the various rotas and in other ways as needed but we are always on the lookout for others who would like to be involved.  If you would be willing to read a lesson, lead our prayers, carry the cross & candles, prepare and serve tea & coffee or help out in other ways, Dan and Andre would love to speak with you.

Culture Vulture Ventures

Fernando Montano Gala in aid of the Marine Conservation Society

18th July, 7.30pm

Our very own Fernando, soloist with the Royal Ballet Company, is staging a night of dance, opera and classical music at the Royal Academy of Music, NW1 5HT on Thursday 18th July at 7.30pm. £48 per ticket.  This is part of his 'Dance for the Sea' project to help raise awareness of the problems caused by plastic in the ocean and is in aid of the Marine Conservation Society.  Hosted by Sian Lloyd, guests include the Lithuanian mezzo-soprano Justina Gringyte, soon to play the title role in the ENO's production of Carmen at the London Coliseum.  A limited number of VIP tickets are also available for the interval and post-show VIP drinks receptions at £50 each, when Fernando and the cast will be present and ten unique underwater photos of Fernando and plastic, by Robin Conway will be on display.  Members of our congregation donated plastic and worked in the Parish Hall to create the backdrops and plastic art installations used!  To register your interest, speak to Lesley Gray or contact the Parish Office, 020 7262 1732,


Walk and Dine: Tuesday 23rd July 5.30pm

Blue Badge Guide Alison will take us on a private walk of 1 and 3/4 hours around the St James SW1 quarter, revealing the area’s hidden history, tucked away passages and royal connections, as well as showing us the requisite facilities needed for this to became a fashionable residential location in 17th and 18th century London. Friends and family are welcome to come on the walk. £10 per person.

Afterwards Andy Beverley has very kindly booked a limited number of supper places for us in the dining room at the Army and Navy Club, 36-39 Pall Mall, SW1Y 5JN, 2 courses (mains and dessert) inc. VAT and Service, drinks extra. The Club was founded in 1837 for former and serving Officers of the British and Commonwealth Armed Services and their immediate families. Supper places are limited, so first come first served! Walk only: £10, walk and supper £33. Meet outside Green Park tube station by the Diana Fountain (located within Green Park, at the tube station entrance/exit) at 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start. Payment to Margaret please - as always cheques preferred.

An Evening with William Shawcross


Tuesday 17th September 7.00pm at the Vicarage

Meet the Author Evening in aid of St John ‘s high roof works appeal: St John's is very fortunate that parishioner William Shawcross, recently retired chair of the Charities Commission, broadcaster (for BBC television he wrote and presented in 1995 the series Monarchy and  in 2002, to tie-in with the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, the series Queen and Country),  author and historian has agreed to be the guest of honour at a Meet the Author Evening. All profits from this occasion will go towards the St John’s High Roof Works Appeal. The evening begins with a fizz and canapés reception from 7pm, followed at 7.30pm by the author’s talk on his 2009 book ‘The Queen Mother: The Official Biography’ and a question and answer session. Bring your copy if you would like the author to sign it! A two-course buffet supper with wine will then be served, with an opportunity to speak to William (and ask all those questions which you were too shy to ask earlier!). All this for £48, numbers are limited, with payment to Margaret please, cheques preferred.


School Gate Gossip

The PFA Summer Fair was, once again, a resounding success with the whole school community turning out in droves to support the event and enjoy the wonderfully warm weather!  The playground hosted a variety of food and beverage stalls, whilst the ground floor classrooms were the site of skills competition this week and did both themselves and the school proud as they worked hard as a team, demonstrating real fellowship.  Well done to Year 4 who were, according to Miss Koltai, Miss Place and Mr Hewitt, “Amazing!” during their performance of The Wizard of Oz at St. John’s Hyde Park.  After their initial dress rehearsal where they got a bit over-excited, they persevered, learnt from their mistakes and performed flawlessly during the final show.  Well done, Year 4!  Thank you to our own Director of Music Robert and Mrs Chadwick who also tirelessly ensured that everyone was ready for the big night!  Year 2 participated in an interschool multi-skills competition this week and did both themselves and the school proud as they worked hard as a team, demonstrating real fellowship.

Stay and Play

A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings from 10-11.30am.  Come and stay for a play, a sing-song and to share stories over a cup of coffee.  All children and babies are welcome (newborn to 5 years).  Suggested donation: £2.