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Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

St John’s Late

St John’s Late resumes this this Compline – the last office of the day.  The service is at the slightly later time 7pm but is preceded by a soup and cheese supper at 6pm.

16th February, 6pm

Jazz Mass

Before the solemnity of Lent, the excitement of a second jazz mass!  The setting will be Todd’s Missa Brevis and the anthem Hogan’s arrangement of Let the Heaven Light Shine on Me.

23rd February, 6pm

Choral Evensong

A candlelit choral service.  Centred around a reading from the Bible, with the choir singing the service, including a psalm and the canticles Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis.  The Responses are by Smith and the settings for the canticles by Dyson.  The anthem is Elgar’s Light of the World – The Light of Life.

The Wednesday Club

19th February 2020, 7.30pm

This group typically meets on the third Wednesday of the month in The Duke of Kendal (see Dan for an alternate location while The Duke is being refurbished) to discuss everyday ethics and how the things we think and do relate to our understanding of God and faith.  This promises to be a lively and generous discussion, so do come and join us!  To sign up or for further information, speak to Dan.

Ash Wednesday, 26th February 2020, 12.00 noon & 7.00pm

We begin our Lenten observations on Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on 26th February.  As usual there will be a said lunchtime service at 12.00 noon.  In the evening there will be a sung Eucharist at 7.00pm (note the slightly earlier time this year), the setting Victoria’s Missa Quarti Toni, featuring Allegri’s Miserere and Casals’ O Vos Omnes.  If you still have your palm crosses from last year, bring them in and we will burn them to make this year’s ash.

Becoming Mindful

A Carol Service for Lent

Sunday, 8th March, 6pm

This service is a bold new venture for Lent which we hope will capture peoples’ imaginations is a carol service-like liturgy but with a completely different feel.  Music, song, readings and poetry will explore the Lenten themes of mortality, fasting, prayer, restoration and perseverance and designed to assist us in our preparation for Easter.  The service will be followed with tea, coffee and hot cross buns.  Please save the date in your diary.

Rainy Day Appeal

Raised: £33,262

Target: £40,000

Two years ago we undertook some very essential repairs to the roof, gutters and parapets.  If you look up on the outside north or south sides of the church, you’ll notice the beautiful new stonework.  To fund the works, however, we had to borrow £200,000 from the Diocese of London.

The goal of our Rainy Day Appeal is to raise £40,000 to cover this year’s repayment commitment and interest.  There are 160 metres of guttering, which works out at £250 per metre (£200 per metre if gift aided).  To clear one or more metres or for more information about Gift Aid, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.   Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.

A Final Message from Margaret

After over 12 years of ministry at St John's I have finally 'stepped back' and THANK YOU for the affection, super generous gifts and many kind words spoken at my farewell last Sunday.  You, the people of St John's, will always be on my heart and in my prayers and it is very comforting to carry your warm affirmations with me as the next chapter of my life begins.

A Big Gay Night Out

Dick Whittington (an adult Panto) December 2020!  There’s nothing like planning ahead – and tickets for this year’s panto at Above the Stag are now on sale!  If you are interested in coming to the Panto on Tuesday 8th December 2020, please contact Ian Smith [] asap.  Tickets, £28 a seat, sell fast (even this far ahead!). 


School Gate Gossip

We were delighted to receive a letter from Nick Gibb MP (Minister for Schools in the Department of Education) congratulating the school on our KS2 outcomes.  The outcomes achieved place us in the top 3% of primary schools in England for progress in KS2.  We are all very proud of our children’s achievements and the team work that has resulted in such outstanding results.

We hold school yours every other Wednesday during the Spring term.  Please contact our school office on to book a place.  We encourage all those parents considering applying for a Nursery place in September 2020 or January 2021 to apply as soon as possible as places will start to be allocated at the end of February.

Stay and Play

A community playgroup meets weekly in St John’s on Thursday mornings from 9.30-11.30am.  Come and stay for a play, a sing-song and to share stories over a cup of coffee.  All children and babies are welcome (newborn to 5 years).  Suggested donation: £2.