Coronavirus (Covid-19)

We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with our community this morning.  A special welcome to any who are joining us this morning for the first time.

Just when you thought it was becoming safer, the Omicron variant of Covid-19 makes its appearance so we are working to keep you safe in church.  We have revised our risk assessment and guidelines for worship in line with the latest guidance from the government and the Church of England and they are on display in the porch and on our website at

First and foremost, if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms, especially a high temperature, a continuous cough and/or a change in your normal sense of taste and smell, please do not come to church but self-isolate and arrange for a test.

Facemasks are no longer mandatory, although you are welcome to wear one if you feel more comfortable doing so.  In order to lower risk, hospitality will be served outside on the forecourt.  We keep an attendance register for those who would like to register for track and trace purposes and the NHS QR code is available for those who wish to scan it with the app.

When exchanging the peace, please do so only with others in your immediate vicinity and do be respectful of those who may not wish to make physical contact.

For communion, please approach the step to the sanctuary via the central aisle.  Please keep a safe distance from those on either side.  The clergy will bring the bread to you and place a wafer in your hand after touching the edge to the wine.  If you prefer to receive a blessing instead, cross your hands over your chest.  After receiving, please return to your seat via one of the side aisles.

Children and Young Families

We are delighted to have so many families with young children as members of our congregation.  Kids’ Club meets this morning in the hall – the children go out after the Collect and rejoin their families in time for communion.  Toilets with changing facilities are available near the entrance of the church.

Hearing the Service

St John’s has an Induction Loop System so if you have a hearing aid, please switch it to the ’T’ setting.

Keep Calm!  Keep Alert!  Keep Giving!

In the midst of the uncertainties of Covid, we are very grateful for all who have been steady in their financial support during the last two years!  Who would have thought, back in the spring of last year when we began to ponder the financial hit to St John’s of the first lockdown, that we would still not be back to normality by this time.  This obviously brings a renewed uncertainty for life at St John’s for a third year running and, while we make every effort to watch costs and look out for help where it might be available, we ask you to remember that again this year the carpark is not always full and we have been unable to raise money through letting the church and hall.  Please continue to help us if you can by contributions either on Sunday mornings in the collection plate or, alternatively, directly to our bank account.  Our details are:

Name: St John the Evangelist

Bank: HSBC

Sort Code: 40-11-58

Account #: 80108251

Donations given electronically still qualify for Gift Aid as your name will appear alongside your donation.  If you have any questions about giving, please speak to Bryan Sollenberger.

St John’s Late

This evening’s service is a choral evensong, a traditional sung service to end the day.  The responses are by Smith with the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C by Stanford.  Our guest preacher this evening is The Reverend Lindsay Meader.  Lindsay graduated in Drama, then studied acting.  She was ordained in 2001 and served her curacy in Ely Diocese.  In 2005 she came to London as Associate Rector of St James’s, Piccadilly.  Lindsay is chaplain to the Apollo, the Palace and Victoria Palace theatres.  She became Senior Chaplain of Theatre Chaplaincy UK in 2012 and in 2019 she left St James’ to become full time Lead Theatre Chaplain for the Diocese of London as well.

20th February, 7pm


A quiet contemplative service by candlelight.  The anthem is O Nata Lux by Thomas Tallis.  The service is preceded by a light supper at 6pm.

27th February, 6pm

Jazz Mass

The final Late before we begin our Lent observance is appropriately a jazz mass.  The setting is Missa Festiva by J Leavitt with the anthem This Little Light of Mine, arranged by Gerlitz.

Palm Crosses for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday falls this year on 2nd March.  As usual there will be a said lunchtime service at 12.00 noon and a sung Eucharist at 6.00pm.  If you still have your palm crosses from last year, bring them in and we will burn them to make this year’s ash.

Lead Us out of Darkness

A Carol Service for Lent

Sunday 13th March 6pm

We continue our carol series with our second ever Lent Carols. We will explore Lenten themes - the chaos of sin, the test of enduring temptation, self-examination to amend what we are, the expanse of God’s forgiveness and the call to holy living - using music, songs, readings and poetry.  Some of the musical selections for this service are Dies Irae by Karl Jenkins, Stabat Mater by Pärt, Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius, Requiem for an Angel by P Carr and S S Wesley ‘s Blessed Be the God and Father.  The service will be followed by a reception with hot cross buns.

Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meeting

This year’s annual meetings take place on 3rd April immediately after the 10am service.  The first step in preparation for these meetings is to revise the Electoral Roll.  Accordingly, the Roll will be open until 17th March, after which it will be closed until the conclusion of the APCM.  Having your name entered on the Electoral Roll is an indication of your involvement in the life of the parish and entitles you to attend and take part in the annual meeting.  It is also something that Church of England schools ask about when applying for a place. Forms are available from the table at the back or from Bryan Sollenberger.

Good News for Hossein Ghasemi

Many of you will remember Hossein, one of the Iranian asylum seekers who have become part of our community.  Hossein was with us last year and, even after he was moved to Lancashire, he did preparation classes by Zoom, with the help of our community scholar Kioumars translating, and in September Hossein came back to be baptised.  After going through the Home Office application process with a lot of waiting, we are thrilled that he has successfully been given a visa to stay for the next five years.  Our best wishes and prayers for him as he settles in the UK and we look forward to our next Iranian baptism at Easter.