Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meeting

Our APCM will convene immediately following the 10am service this morning.  These are the meetings where we receive the annual report and accounts and elect our churchwardens and members to the Parochial Church Council (PCC).  This year we will be electing churchwardens and two members to the Parochial Church Council (PCC).  Nomination forms are available at the back of church.  Completed forms can be given to Bryan Sollenberger.

Our thanks to Andy Beverley, whose term on PCC comes to an end, and we are grateful for his contributions to the parish over his three years on the council.  The vitality of a parish like St John’s is dependent on people being willing to give of their time and skills in leadership of the parish.  We are as a community grateful for all that they have brought and shared.  Please think carefully about whether you might have skills you can share by standing for PCC.

Rebuilding St John’s!

Don’t be a spectator – get involved!

Your church needs you - now is the time to get positive and to rekindle the spirit of St John’s.  We cannot do this by the staff team alone and we encourage members of the congregation to get back involved …  We need servers to help carry the cross and candles in the service, people willing to help with coffee and hospitality, as well as people to help Red Balloon in Kids’ Club.  For Kids’ Club to be revived we need to have more than one group and so the Red Balloon leaders need your help.  If you are not currently volunteering, take this opportunity to get involved on one of the rotas.  Speak to Bryan or Andre this morning!


The Fruit of the Spirit

If we live by the spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit - Galatians 5. 25.  We are told by the Apostle Paul that if we ‘live by the Spirit’ our lives will produce a fruitful harvest that brings encouragement and life to those around us.  During Lent we shall explore this theme in our music as we trace the various aspects of fasting and self-examination upon which we are called to reflect during this season.

GENTLENESS. The anthem this Sunday, composed in 1816, is Liebend neiget er sein Antlitz (Lovingly he turns his face to them: You are the mother of this son! And you are the son of this mother!) from the Stabat Mater D383 by F Schubert.

Lent Resources

For those wishing to engage with the spiritual themes of the season, we have put together a list of the resources available for Lent.  Whether it’s a book, an app, a video series, podcasts, a set of challenges, daily email meditations, articles or an online retreat, there will be something for you to support you in your discipleship this Lent.  Either pick up a leaflet at the back of church, speak to Rev’d Georgina or visit

Holy Week and Easter 2022

Easter Flowers

Help us to decorate the church for Easter and remember loved ones at the same time by contributing to our Easter flowers.  Fill in the slip in your order of service and give it to Andre Livins or Bryan Sollenberger after the service.  A list of contributors and those commemorated will be posted in the porch at Easter.

Easter Baptisms

Are you considering baptism?  Easter is the perfect occasion and the dawn service at 6am on Easter Day is a great opportunity for it.  This is a very special and unique service and there will be an opportunity for adults and children to be baptised as part of the Easter liturgy.  If you are interested in being baptised at this service, please speak to one of the clergy as soon as possible.

Maundy Thursday, 14th April, 6pm

A special sung mass commemorating the Last Supper with the washing of feet takes place on the Thursday night before Easter.  The mass setting will be Missa Cantate by Chilcott and the anthem Bruckner’s In Monte Olivetti.  If you would be willing to have your feet washed at this service, please speak to one of the clergy.

Good Friday Children’s Workshop, 15 April, 10am

We are having a family activities morning on Good Friday at 10am, with coffee, biscuits and hot cross buns.  We will build the Easter Garden and hear the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross.   Volunteers are needed to help with the activities - if you can help, speak to Luke/Lizzy or Rev’d Georgina.

Good Friday Liturgy of the Day, 15th April, 2pm

Good Friday is one of the holiest days in the Christian year.  This service of reflection and prayer, centred on the passion and death of our Lord, is led by our choral scholars and is based around a musical setting of the passion story.

Easter Church Preparation, 16th April, 11am

Join us on Saturday to get the church ready for Easter!  We meet at 11am to prepare the Easter fire and to have everything all ready to go for the dawn service on Sunday morning.  Enjoy a mid-morning cup of the vicar’s best milky brew and maybe the last of this year’s harvest of hot cross buns! 

Dawn Vigil and First Mass of Easter

This service begins at 6am with a Vigil of readings as we await the dawn and the resurrection of our Lord.  This colourful and dramatic service incorporates the Service of Light, Renewal of Baptism Vows and the First Mass of Easter.  Well worth getting up for!

Easter Breakfast

The dawn service is followed by breakfast and champagne.  Please sign up in the porch if you would like to stay for breakfast.

Easter Reception

Following the Festival Eucharist on Easter morning there will be a fizz reception with finger food.  Please bring a plate of finger food to share and indicate what you will be able to bring on the sign up sheet in the porch or on one of the clipboards that will be circulating during coffee.

Living in Love and Faith

Final call for responses

In the autumn, we engaged with the Living in Love and Faith project of the national Church of England, discussing the issues of sexuality, relationships, identity and marriage. This process affects the future of being able to conduct same-sex weddings (currently prohibited) and clergy being able to be in same-sex marriages (currently prohibited). The closing date for submissions to be part of the feedback to the House of Bishops is 30th April. You can either write and submit your thoughts or record an audio submission; we want to make St John’s voices heard, so grab Rev’d Georgina over coffee or visit for details.

Mid-week Services

St John’s isn’t just a church for Sunday!  There are services at 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.  Monday’s service is a eucharist and there is a said evensong Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Services take place in the sanctuary and are open to all.