Welcome to St John’s Hyde Park
We are delighted that you have chosen to join our community today, especially if you are joining us for the first time. A special welcome to the family and friends of William Phillips, who is being baptised during this morning’s service. For those who have come as a family with young children, Kids’ Club meets during the service in the Parish Hall. Further information about St John’s can be found on our website: www.stjohns-hydepark.com.
St John’s, like the Hyde Park Estate, wants to be part of a dog-friendly community. We welcome people to bring their dogs with them to church but we ask that they are mindful of the need for dogs not to disturb others at worship. If your furry friend begins to bark or to feel uncomfortable, please do feel free to take him or her for a walk outside.
Children and Young Families
We are pleased to have families with children as members of our congregation. Kids’ Club meets this morning in the hall with Red Balloon – the children go out after the talk and re-join their families in time for communion. Toilets with changing facilities are available near the entrance of the church.
Gluten-free Communion Wafers
Gluten free wafers are available for those who suffer from a gluten allergy. Please speak to a priest before the service if you would like to receive one at communion.
From September 10th to the end of October, our morning services feature music extracted from Beatus Vir (Blessed is the man). These large-scale works date from the early 17th century through to far more recent works by contemporary composers and vary greatly in style and combination of instruments supporting the choir.
Zelenka 76
This morning the choir will be singing the first movement of the Czech composer Zelenka’s Beatus Vir with strings. The piece is renowned for its intricate counterpoint, expressive harmonies and skilful choral writing. Zelenka was a Baroque composer highly regarded by J S Bach and others for his German, Italian and Bohemian composition style.
Autumn at St John's
Here I Stand
This autumn, join us at St Martin-in-the-Fields for a compelling lecture series inspired by Martin Luther's renowned proclamation "Here I Stand" said during the Reformation in 1521. Examine the beliefs we hold dear and the stands we'd make for them.
30th October - Rev Dr Sam Wells: "Standing with God"
6th November - Prof Catherine Sleeman: "Death & Dying"
20th Nov - Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy General Secretary of the U.N:
"Climate Change".
Each event starts at 7pm and Alex will be on the steps of St Martin's at 6.45pm, so we can sit together. Drinks are then served in the crypt afterwards for those who want to attend. Each lecture is ticketed with a suggested £10 donation; please contact Alex for tickets and further information.
St John’s Book Group
The book group met recently and selected their next book – D H Lawrence’s Women in Love. They will meet to discuss this classic on 30th October. Speak to Irwin Nazareth if you would like more information.
All Souls
2nd November 2023, 6pm
We mark this special festival with a service at which we remember those who are part of the church community but who have died. This year the choir are singing Mozart’s Requiem and during the service we remember those dear to us who have died. If you will be at the service and wish to have loved ones remembered, please add them on the sign up sheet in the porch. As part of the liturgy, there will be opportunity for you to light a candle and place it on the altar in remembrance of your loved ones.
St John’s Late
Returning in November, St John’s Late services offer a friendly but contemplative space for those who’ve missed the morning, want to try something different or need space for reflection.
Jazz Mass
12th November, 6.00pm
The atmosphere of a jazz club, great music and the beauty of the eucharist meet in this fantastic service with wine and nibbles available throughout. The setting is Chilcott’s Nidarus Jazz Mass and the anthem is Eja Mater by Arensen.
19th November, 6.00pm
preceded by a light supper at 5.00pm
This ancient monastic service, in a candlelit church, is stunning in its simplicity. The service is sung and the anthem is Poulenc’s Ave Verum. Sign up if you wish to join us for supper.
Choral Evensong
26th November, 6.00pm
This service is the foundation of English tradition, a gem in the crown of the prayer book. The setting for the responses is by Smith with the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Purcell in G Minor. The anthem will be O Clap Your Hands by Gibbons.
Jenny Clark Concert
This year’s Jenny Clark Concert takes place on Sunday, 12th November, immediately following the 10am service. We are pleased that soprano Sofia Kirwan-Baez, one of our choral scholars, will be giving this year’s concert and will be accompanied by Ben Collyer. She will be performing a varied programme to include opera, musical theatre and some of her own compositions. The concert will last 35-40 minutes and is open to all.
Safeguarding at St John’s
Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is a priority at St John’s. On 21st June the Parochial Church Council (PCC) carried out their annual reviewed of the parish’s Safeguarding Policy. A copy is available in the porch and on the parish website. Safeguarding concerns can be raised in the first instance with the church’s Safeguarding Officer, Mary Langford.
Giggles and Gossip
Thursdays, 9.30-11.30am
Giggles & Gossip, run by Red Balloon Foundation, is aimed at parents with babies and toddlers. There will be soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time for the parents and children to take part in.