Congratulations to all those confirmed last week
We would like to offer our congratulations to all those who were Confirmed last Sunday by the Bishop of London:
Adebayo Ajayi Hamed Khaki
Ted Daley Hossein Zaheri
Luc Malkin Beth Hill.
Rahman Rostami
St John’s Late
Returning this month, St John’s Late services offer a friendly but contemplative space for those who’ve missed the morning, want to try something different or need space for reflection.
Choral Evensong
26th November, 6.00pm
This service is the foundation of English tradition, a gem in the crown of the prayer book. The setting for the responses is by B Rose with the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by C V Stanford in G. The anthem will be Blessed City by Bairstow.
Advent 2023
Advent Carols, 3rd December, 6pm
The first of our great carol services takes place at 6pm by candlelight. This service always features outstanding music and this year is no different. The theme of this year’s service is Voices in the Wilderness and features music by Orff, Whitacre, Lowdermilk, Whitbourn, Mozart, Brown and Silvestri, along with seasonal carols for everyone to sing. There will be mulled wine and homemade mince pies after.
Christingle Service, 10th December, 4pm
A special service for children of all ages. Come make a Christingle, incorporating symbols of Jesus coming as the Light of the World.
Nine Lessons and Carols, 17th December, 6pm
Our traditional carol service kicks off the countdown to Christmas. The choir will be accompanied by a magnificence of musicians and the service will be followed by a fizz and panettone reception. This is one of the biggest musical treats of the year for all the family. Invite your friends and neighbours to join us for this festive community celebration.
St John’s Goes to the Panto
It wouldn’t be the holidays without a trip to the panto! This year we are going on the Saturday, 6th Jan, 2pm at the Hammersmith Lyric to see Cinderella. For tickets, please book directly from the Hammersmith Lyric’s website: They start from £15 and there are family rates as well for those with children. When we know numbers we will be looking to plan a lunch nearby beforehand. For further information, please contact Alex:
St John’s Book Group
The book group met recently and selected their next book – John Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids. They will meet to discuss this classic on 29th January. Speak to Irwin Nazareth if you would like more information.
New Vestments
St John’s has been renewing its vestments over the past few years, having replaced the white, gold and red sets, and has now ordered a green set of vestments, consisting of a cope, chasuble and stoles. If you would like to sponsor one or more of these in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion, please speak to the Vicar or to Bryan Sollenberger.
Safeguarding at St John’s
Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is a priority at St John’s. On 21st June the Parochial Church Council (PCC) carried out their annual reviewed of the parish’s Safeguarding Policy. A copy is available in the porch and on the parish website. Safeguarding concerns can be raised in the first instance with the church’s Safeguarding Officer, Mary Langford.
Giggles and Gossip
Thursdays, 9.30-11.30am
Giggles & Gossip, run by Red Balloon Foundation, is aimed at parents with babies and toddlers. There will be soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time in which parents and children can take part.
A Classical Christmas Concert
Soprano Emily Burnett, choral scholar here from 2017-18, invites you to join her and some friends for a mesmerising evening of classical music at their Classical Christmas Concert at St John’s on Saturday, 9th December, at 7.30pm. Immerse yourself in the magical ambience as a bunch of talented musicians take to the stage to perform timeless Christmas classics. Indulge in the harmonious sounds of the choir and soloists create an atmosphere that captures the true essence of Christmas. Tickets are £15 and can be purchased via Eventbrite.