Welcome to St John’s Hyde Park
We are delighted that you have chosen to join our community today, especially if you are joining us for the first time. For those who have come as a family with young children, Kids’ Club meets during the service in the Parish Hall. Further information about St John’s can be found on our website: www.stjohns-hydepark.com.
St John’s, like the Hyde Park Estate, wants to be part of a dog-friendly community. We welcome people to bring their dogs with them to church but we ask that they are mindful of the need for dogs not to disturb others at worship. If your furry friend begins to bark or to feel uncomfortable, please do feel free to take him or her for a walk outside.
Children and Young Families
We are pleased to have families with children as members of our congregation. Kids’ Club meets this morning in the hall with Red Balloon – the children go out after the Collect and re-join their families in time for communion. Toilets with changing facilities are available near the entrance of the church.
From September 10th to the end of October, our morning services feature music extracted from Beatus vir (Blessed is the man). These large-scale works date from the early 17th century through to far more recent works by contemporary composers and vary greatly in style and combination of instruments supporting the choir.
Vivaldi 597
This morning’s the choir with string quartet will be performing the first section of Vivaldi’s Beatus Vir. The piece was composed for the Ospedale della Pietà, a charitable institution for orphaned and abandoned girls in Venice and is written for double choir and double string quartet. The organ will be playing one of the string quartet parts.
St Paul's Cathedral Talk
My Spirit Rejoices: Mary the Mother of Jesus.
Tuesday, 26th September 6.30pm - 8pm
St Paul's Cathedral are hosting an evening with Paula Gooder and Rowan Williams where they will be discussing the contrasting aspects of Mary's story in the Bible and the church, her place in our faith and why she matters so much. There will also be music sung by the St Paul's Cathedral Consort during the evening, as well as time for a Q&A with the speakers.
Alex will be attending this and he invites you to join him. He will be on the steps of St Paul's at 6.15pm for those who wish to attend. Admission is free.
Harvest Sunday Family Eucharist
1st October 2023, 10am
Our annual giving of thanks for the fruit of the earth will take place on 1st October. Our theme this year will be bees. The older children will read the lessons and lead the intercessions and the younger children will be in church for longer than normal. As usual, we will be collecting dried foodstuffs for the food bank at St Matthew’s, Bayswater.
Choral Scholar Seeking Accommodation
Esmée Loughlin-Dickenson, one of our new choral scholars for the year, is in need of a room for 4-6 weeks while she finds more permanent accommodation in the area. If have a room available or know of something longer term, please speak to her after the service over coffee.
St John’s Goes Contactless!
The more observant of you will have noticed a new addition in the porch recently - a contactless donation device! With just a touch of a credit or debit card you can now make a donation even if you haven’t brought any cash with you. Donations made via the device still qualify for Gift Aid, too.
Volunteer Opportunities
You Know You Want to…
Do you get goosebumps/pimples listening to the opening hymn performed by our wonderful musicians while watching the Servers dutifully process up the centre aisle? Have you ever wondered what you would look like donning a hooded white alb? Are you interested in washing the Vicar’s hands with holy water before communion? If the answer is yes to any of these questions (or even if you’re not sure), it’s time for you to become an Acolyte! No experience is required and we will be holding a training/refresher session in the coming months following the 10:00 am service. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our newly appointed Head Server, Bryan Stephens at bryan.m.stephens@gmail.com.
Red Balloon are resuming their midweek activities for children.
Giggles and Gossip
Thursdays, 9.30-11am
Giggles & Gossip is aimed at parents with babies and toddlers. There will be soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time for the parents and children to take part in.
Theatrical Thursday
Thursdays, 3.30-5pm
This after school group is for children between reception and year six. Parents/Carers can drop off and collect their children. Children will play drama, lead games and explore biblical stories.
Accommodation Needed for a Ukrainian Refugee
Matthew Hindhaugh has made us aware of the plight of Yana, a Ukrainian from Kyiv, who is seeking accommodation. For the past year she has been living in Islington under the Homes for Ukraine scheme but her current hosting arrangement is coming to an end in the middle of September. She is therefore in need of a room for at least six months. The Homes for Ukraine team on your local council will pay £500 per month (£550 if in Islington) and her current host will be happy to provide a reference. Yana is single and neither smokes nor drinks. She is quiet, clean and tidy and independent. She would prefer to share with another female or a couple. She can be contacted by e-mail at yana.ilchen@gmail.com or via WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber on +38 050 3355284.