Welcome to St John’s Hyde Park

We are delighted that you have chosen to join our community today, especially if you are joining us for the first time.  For those who have come as a family with young children, Kids’ Club meets during the service in the Parish Hall.  Further information about St John’s can be found on our website:

St John’s, like the Hyde Park Estate, wants to be part of a dog-friendly community.  We welcome people to bring their dogs with them to church but we ask that they are mindful of the need for dogs not to disturb others at worship.  If your furry friend begins to bark or to feel uncomfortable, please do feel free to take him or her for a walk outside.

Children and Young Families

We are pleased to have families with children as members of our congregation.  Kids’ Club meets this morning in the hall with Red Balloon – the children go out after the talk and re-join their families in time for communion.  Toilets with changing facilities are available near the entrance of the church.

Harvest Sunday Family Eucharist

1st October 2023, 10am

This morning we celebrate Harvest with a family service.  The older children will read the lessons and lead the intercessions and the younger children will be in church for longer than normal. There will also be the traditional collection of tinned and dried foodstuffs, which this year will be donated to the food bank at St Matthew’s, Bayswater.  A list of their particular needs has been circulated by e-mail earlier this week.  Our theme this year is bees and their importance to the environment and especially in the production of honey.  After the service enjoy some specially home baked honey biscuits from locally sourced honey.

The St Matthew's Food Bank, a local food bank for local people, has proved invaluable for many people in the last year.  Worryingly, the average number of people needing to come to the foodbank more than doubled to over 80 people per week (some weeks over 100 people!).  They have been blessed with generosity last year from schools, other churches, charities and local people but hope that this harvest to be able to build up their supplies going into the Autumn and Winter.  They are always looking for volunteers on a Wednesday to help. 

Racial Justice Pilgrimage
Monday 16th October

Join the Bishop of Willesden Lusa Nseng-Ngoy on a walking pilgrimage to visit Black History sites from Westminster to Ladbroke Grove.  The total distance is 7.6 miles and you should bring a packed lunch.  To take part, meet at the Windrush Memorial at Waterloo Station at 9am   Please contact Alex for more information.

St John’s Book Group

The book group met recently and selected their next book – D H Lawrence’s Women in Love.  They will meet to discuss this classic on 30th October.  Speak to Irwin Nazareth if you would like more information.

All Souls

2nd November 2023, 6pm

We mark this special festival with a service at which we remember those who are part of the church community but who have died.  This year the choir are singing Mozart’s Requiem and during the service we remember those dear to us who have died - a list is available in the porch for you to add the names of those you would like to be remembered.  As part of the liturgy, there will be opportunity for you to light a candle and place it on the altar in remembrance of your loved ones.

Choral Scholar Seeking Accommodation

Esmée Loughlin-Dickenson, one of our new choral scholars for the year, is in need of a room for 4-6 weeks while she finds more permanent accommodation in the area.  If have a room available or know of something longer term, please speak to her after the service over coffee.


Giggles and Gossip

Thursdays, 9.30-11am

Giggles & Gossip, run by Red Balloon Foundation, is aimed at parents with babies and toddlers. There will be soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time for the parents and children to take part in.