14th January 2024, 6pm

Epiphany Carols

After our fantastic Advent and Christmas carol services, what next?  Epiphany carols!   Robert, Ben and the choir have prepared another special treat to conclude our seasonal celebrations marking the events of the Epiphany season.  A great way to beat the post-Christmas blues!

Farewell, Robert Greenhill

Following the Epiphany Carols service we say farewell to our Director of Music, Robert Greenhill, who is retiring after nearly 18 years here.  It’s hard to believe he is going but we will mark his significant contributions to our liturgical life with a party after the carol service.  Drinks are being provided by Simone Malavolta and Andrew Loft and canapés sponsored by the William Gibbs Religious and Educational Trust.  Please stay and raise a glass to Robert as we wish him well in his ‘dotage’!

St John’s Late

St John’s Late returns for the winter series on 21st January and continues until 11th February.  Please note the dates and services below:.

21st January, 6pm

Jazz Mass

An upbeat, contemporary eucharist with the informal feel of a jazz club – what better way to beat the mid-winter blues!  Wine and nibbles are available throughout the service.  The mass setting is Bob Chilcott’s popular Little Jazz Mass.

28th January, 6pm


A quiet contemplative service by candlelight to complete the day.  The service is preceded by a light supper at 5pm.

4th February

No service

11th February, 6pm

Choral Evensong

A traditional stalwart and gem in the crown of the prayer book.   The Responses are by Rose.

St John’s Book Club

The book group met recently and selected their next book – John Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids.  They will meet to discuss this classic on 29th January.  Speak to Irwin Nazareth if you would like more information.


Giggles and Gossip

Thursdays, 9.30-11.30am

Giggles & Gossip meets on Thursday morning.  Run by Red Balloon Foundation, it is aimed at parents with babies and toddlers. There will be soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time in which parents and children can take part.