St John’s Late
St John’s Late returns for the winter until 11th February. Please note the dates and services below:
28th January, 6pm
A quiet contemplative service by candlelight to complete the day. The service is preceded by a light supper at 5pm.
4th February
No service
11th February, 6pm
Choral Evensong
A traditional stalwart and gem in the crown of the prayer book. The Responses are by Rose.
Palm Crosses for Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday falls this year on 14th February. As usual there will be a said lunchtime service at 12.00 noon and a sung Eucharist at 6.00pm. If you still have your palm crosses from last year, bring them in and we will burn them to make this year’s ash.
A Carol Service for Lent
Sunday 25th February 6pm
This seasonal service of music and readings explores the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness with the choir accompanied by organ and orchestra. Musical selections include J S Bach’s Christ unser Herr zum Jordan Kamm (BWV 7) and Polonaise from Orchestral Suite in B Minor (BWX 1067), The Call of Wisdom by W Todd, Howell’s Like As the Hart, Temptation by B Joel, Rutter’s The Lord Bless You and Keep You and Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah. The service will be followed by a reception with hot cross buns.
Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meeting
This year’s annual meetings take place on 16th March immediately after the 10am service. The first step in preparation for these meetings is to revise the Electoral Roll. Accordingly, the Roll will be open until 29th February, after which it will be closed until the conclusion of the APCM. Having your name entered on the Electoral Roll is an indication of your involvement in the life of the parish and entitles you to attend and take part in the annual meeting. It is also something that Church of England schools ask about when applying for a place. Forms are available from the table at the back or from Bryan Sollenberger.
Easter Baptisms
Are you considering baptism? Easter is the perfect occasion and the dawn service at 6am on Easter Day is a great opportunity for it. This is a very special and unique service and there will be an opportunity for adults and children to be baptised as part of the Easter liturgy. If you are interested in being baptised at this service, please speak to one of the clergy as soon as possible.
St John’s Book Club
The book group met recently and selected their next book – John Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids. They will meet to discuss this classic on 29th January. Speak to Irwin Nazareth if you would like more information.
Giggles and Gossip
Thursdays, 9.30-11.30am
Giggles & Gossip meets on Thursday morning. Run by Red Balloon Foundation, it is aimed at parents with babies and toddlers. There will be soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time in which parents and children can take part.