Through the Desert

A Carol Service for Lent

Sunday 25th February 6pm

This seasonal service of music and readings takes place this evening and this year explores the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness, with the choir accompanied by organ and orchestra.   Musical selections include Prepare Ye by Stephen Schwarz, J S Bach’s Christ unser Herr zum Jordan Kamm (BWV 7), The Desert Shall Rejoice by Archer, R V William’s Love Bade Me Welcome, Jesus in the Wilderness by Mabry, Simon & Garfunkel’s Bridge over Troubled Water and Zimmer’s Remember Who You Are from The Lion King.  The service will be followed by a reception with hot cross buns.

Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meetings

This year’s annual meetings take place on 17th March immediately after the 10am service.  The first step in preparation for these meetings is to revise the Electoral Roll.  Accordingly, the Roll will be open until 29th February, after which it will be closed until the conclusion of the APCM.  Having your name entered on the Electoral Roll is an indication of your involvement in the life of the parish and entitles you to attend and take part in the annual meeting.  It is also something that Church of England schools ask about when applying for a place. Forms are available from the table at the back or from Bryan Sollenberger.

If you have had your name added to the Roll within the last five years, you do not need to do so again.  This year we are only revising the Roll.  We will next be compiling a brand new roll from scratch in 2025.

Easter Baptisms

Are you considering baptism?  Easter is the perfect occasion and the dawn service at 6am on Easter Day is a great opportunity for it.  This is a very special and unique service and there will be an opportunity for adults and children to be baptised as part of the Easter liturgy.  If you are interested in being baptised at this service, please speak to one of the clergy as soon as possible.

St Paul’s Lecture

16th April, 6.30pm

Rev Kate Botley of Gogglebox and Radio 2 fame is giving a talk, 'Have a Little Faith', at St Paul's Cathedral on the evening of the 16th April.  You can find further information at

Alex will be attending this and he invites you to join him.  He will be on the steps of St Paul's at 6.15pm for those who wish to attend.    Entry is free, with the option to make a donation on the evening, but a ticket is required to attend.   Please contact Alex if you are interested in attending so he can get a ticket for you.

St John’s Book Club

St John’s Book Club met recently to discuss The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham, which was a popular choice.  Their next meeting will be on the 8th April and the book choice is Scarborough by Canadian author Catherine Hernandez.  For further information about the book club, please speak to Irwin Nazareth.


Giggles and Gossip

Thursdays, 9.30-11.30am

Giggles & Gossip meets on Thursday morning.  Run by Red Balloon Foundation, it is aimed at parents with babies and toddlers. There will be soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time in which parents and children can take part.

Treasurer Sought for Paddington Charities

The Paddington Charities are seeking a treasurer to aid them in their work.  These charities provide grants for individuals living in the former Metropolitan Borough of Padding.  They consist of: the Paddington Welfare Charities, which gives grants to individuals, or to organisations that work to benefit residents, who are in need, hardship or distress or who are sick, disabled or infirm and the Paddington Charitable Estates Educational Fund, which helps organisations and individuals with financial assistance to enable individuals under 25 years of age to pursue educational courses or a profession or trade.  If you are interested or would like to know more about what would be involved, please speak to the Vicar.