Spring Anthems

This week our anthem series returns to the great C.V. Stanford in his centenary year.  Beati Quorum Via is the best known of his Three Motets op.38 and is an enduring favourite in the Anglican choral repertoire, with its flowing unaccompanied vocal lines.  The text is the first verse of Psalm 119: Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the way of the Lord. 

Who Will You Vote for on 4th July?

If you’re still making up your mind, then St John’s is here to help!

Monday, 24th June 7pm

St John’s is hosting a community hustings for the candidates standing for election MP for the constituency of the Cities of London and Westminster.  All candidates have been invited to take part and all three major parties have already accepted.  All are welcome and entry is free.

7th July 2024

Jazz mass, 10am

Summer is here, Wimbledon is in full swing – what could be better than a festive jazz mass on a July Sunday morning?  The choir, accompanied by double bass, will sing Nick Miller’s Jazz Mass No 1, written especially for St John’s!  This is a world premier – you won’t want to be late on THIS Sunday!

St John’s Summer Barbecue

The 10am service on 7th July is followed by our summer barbecue in the gardens behind the church.  Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for children.  St John’s provides the meat and dessert; you are asked to bring a salad.  Sign up on the sheet in the porch or by e-mailing Bryan at, making sure you let us know how many will be in your party and what salad you will be bringing.

Refugee Drop-in Centre with West London Synagogue

St John’s is pleased to be entering into a new partnership project with the West London Synagogue by hosting a monthly Sunday drop-in centre for refugees.  WLS originally set up the drop-in centre in 2011, which provides families with a hot meal, a shopping voucher and a contribution towards their transport, as well as signposting for other practical help.  Initially for six months, the drop-in centre will run at St John’s on the third Sunday of the month.  If you would like to join the volunteer crew, please speak to the Vicar.


Marking a special birthday?  Celebrating an anniversary?  Wanting to remember that special person?  St John’s can help!  To honour a loved one or to commemorate a special event, you can sponsor some music or flowers, have fizz & refreshments after the service - there are lots of possibilities.  If you would like to observe a special occasion or honour someone special, speak to Bryan Sollenberger.

Save the Date!

The Dog Collar Dinner returns this year and takes place on 27th September.  Note this date in your diaries now!

The Car Park

Following the death of a small child on a church carpark in Scotland, Team St John’s has produced a risk assessment relating to St John’s car park.  The Vicar is hesitant for the return of ‘Clipboard Bill’ but feels that we should be aware of the dangers relating to the forecourt.  We kindly ask that you use the footpaths when accessing the church and avoid cutting through the car park or walking in front of or behind vehicles.  Also, children should not play in the car park at any time but only on the footpaths provided parents are keeping a watchful eye on them.

Safeguarding at St John’s

Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is a priority at St John’s.  The Parochial Church Council (PCC) carries out an annual review of the parish’s Safeguarding Policy and the current policy is available in the porch and on the parish website.  Safeguarding concerns can be raised in the first instance with the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Mary Langford.


Congratulations Ian Adams, MBE

We will all have been delighted to have read that Ian Adams was awarded the honour of Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours.  This award, being in recognition for his being an LGBTQI+ Leader and Social Inclusion Advocate, was given for services to the LGBTQI+ people and to the people of the City of Westminster.

Giggles and Gossip

Thursdays, 9.30-11am

Giggles & Gossip, a playgroup for parents with babies and toddlers, meets on Thursday mornings.  There is soft play available and the club will also consist of crafts and a story time in which parents and children can take part.