Summertime Special Services

Our summer services are led by a cantor and musician and the mass setting is Folk Tunes, using familiar melodies for the Gloria and other sung parts of the service. Normal services resume on Sunday, 1st September. This morning we are pleased to welcome Archie Inns, tenor, as cantor and as our guest musician, violinist Jonathan Hill.

Philip Matei

We are delighted to announce that Philp Matei will be joining the staff team from Sunday, 8th September. Philip has been assisting in the office for some months providing holiday cover. He now joins us full time, working three days a week in the office assisting Bryan as well as on Sundays. He will also be assisting Andre with some of his events and supporting social events at the vicarage.

Farewell, Ben Collyer

Ben Collyer, our organ scholar for the past two years, is moving on at the end of the summer to take up the post of Assistant Organist at St Alban’s Cathedral. His last Sunday will be 25th August. We thank him for his significant contributions to our music and worship via his musical gifts and wish him well in his future.

Don’t Speak Softly

Teddy Roosevelt may have said that one should speak softly but he wasn’t using our sound system! If you should be reading, leading intercessions, preaching or speaking otherwise from the lectern, please take the following advice: adjust the microphone so it is pointing at your mouth, speak directly into it, enunciate clearly and pause where appropriate. You will be much more audible and can dispense with the big stick!

Dog Collar Dinner 2024

The Dog Collar Dinner returns this year on 27th September. Tickets are £30/person and application forms for tickets are available from the table in the porch. Please also bring a bottle with you to contribute to the evening. The evening begins at 7pm; the itinerary is still in planning and will be announced nearer the time.


Book Club

Book Club next meets on 5th August to discuss The Night Watch by Sarah Waters, shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. For further information, please speak to Irwin Nazareth.