School Starter Sunday

Starting school is the first big step as our children grow up.  This morning we give a blessing to all children starting at a new school and there will also be a presentation of a St John’s pencil case to all children going into reception.  All school age children will receive a commemorative St John’s wristband.

The Choir

This morning we welcome the choir back from their summer break.  A special welcome to our new scholars for this year – soprano Rachel MacLean, countertenor Will Prior, and tenors Tim Burton and Archie Inns, along with returning scholars Madeleine Perring, Esmée Loughlin-Dickenson, Daniel Barrett and Theodore Day. 

Please take time to say hello and introduce yourself to the choir over coffee as all our singers, along with Nick Miller, our director of music, are such an important part of our life and worship here at St John’s.

Owen Dobson

We are pleased that Fr Owen has been appointed as Priest-in-Charge of St Pancras Old Church and St Paul's Camden Square (subject to the completion of the usual formalities).  He is looking forward to taking up that ministry later in the year (date of licensing still to be fixed).

Philip Matei

We are delighted to announce that Philp Matei will be joining the staff team from Sunday, 8th September.  Philip has been assisting in the office for some months providing holiday cover.  He now joins us full time, working three days a week in the office assisting Bryan as well as on Sundays.  He will also be assisting Andre with some of his events and supporting social events at the vicarage.

Autumn Education Courses

Bible Book Club

Bible Book Club returns this September and is held on the first Wednesday of the month: 4th Sept, 2nd Oct, 6th Nov and 4th Dec at 7.30pm.  The September meeting will be at Owen’s flat, 2nd/3rd floor maisonette, 12a Connaught Street.

Being Christian

On the 11th, 18th and 25th September at 7.30pm the Autumn Course takes place.  The course is based on Rowan William’s book ‘Being Christian’ and promises to be a fascinating exploration into what it means to be a Christian.  The first meeting on 11th September will be at Owen’s flat, 2nd/3rd floor maisonette, 12a Connaught Street.

Advent Course

Heaven and Earth Collide

The Advent Course will take place on Wednesdays, 11th and 18th December, at 7.30pm.  In these two sessions we will be expanding on the theme of our Advent Carol Service, ‘Heaven and Earth Collide: An Advent Odyssey’.  For further information and to book please contact:  All events are free to attend.

Don’t Speak Softly

Teddy Roosevelt may have said that one should speak softly but he wasn’t using our sound system!  If you should be reading, leading intercessions, preaching or speaking otherwise from the lectern, please take the following advice: adjust the microphone so it is pointing at your mouth, speak directly into it, enunciate clearly and pause where appropriate.  You will be much more audible and can dispense with the big stick!

Dog Collar Dinner 2024

The Dog Collar Dinner returns this year on 27th September.  Tickets are £30/person and application forms for tickets are available from the table in the porch.  Please also bring a bottle with you to contribute to the evening.  The evening begins at 7pm; the itinerary is still in planning and will be announced nearer the time.  Application forms for tickets are available from the table in the porch.  Please indicate how many tickets you would like and how you will be making payment.  As this is a fund raiser to pay for the balance of the new green set of vestments, there is also opportunity to make a donation on top.

St John’s Quiz Evening

17th October, 7pm

This annual event returns on 17th October, when Chris Cochran, landlord of The Victoria, will once again have an array of questions to test your general knowledge.  The evening starts at 7pm in church.  Tickets cost £20 and are available from the parish office.  Included in the ticket price is a supper of homemade cottage pie!  Form a team of up to 8 or come on your own – it’s a great fun evening!

Book Club

Book Club met recently and discussed The Night Watch, by Sara Waters.  They chose their next book – Hilary Mantel’s A Memoir of My Former Self.  They will consider this book at their next meeting on 14th October.  As well as a celebrated novelist, Hilary Mantel long contributed to newspapers and journals, unspooling stories form her life and illuminating the world as she found it.  “Ink is a generative fluid,” she explains.  “If you don’t mean your words to breed consequences, don’t write at all.”  A Memoir of My Former Self consists of the finest of this writing over four decades.